Day 14 & 15: Roller Coaster

I’m a little late doing my week wrap-up. I had planned to have this done by yesterday but, THINGS HAPPEN!

Let’s start with my water intake first. On day 14 & 15  I was able to drink 2 quarts for the first time since starting this challenge. This is definitely an improvement from day 1. However, I would be lying to you if I said “I wasn’t tired of drinking all this damn water”. I’m already thinking, what have I gotten myself into? I have almost 2 1/2 months to go, and YES, I want to drink something else. However, I’m going to do everything I can to go the distance. Pray for me y’all !!

Overall my work week ended well. It ended much better than I thought it would. I started the week off sick, behind on my points and feeling like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After giving myself a good talking too and a swift kick in the butt, I decided to change my focus and get my remaining 75 points for the week. I went into Friday needing 28 points to complete this goal. Well I got 25 on Friday and picked up another 31 points on Saturday. This was my Saturday to work and thank God I did. Honestly, going into Saturday I was still feeling like crap about the week I had. I wasn’t thinking all that positive and was just pushing myself to make it through my work day. By the end of Saturday, I had a pep in my step, a sparkle in my eyes and a smile in my heart. I had an appointment that turned out pretty good. It actually made up for the whole entire week. I was able to get 4 cases, and a “decent” premium. A decent premium to me is, anything over 150.00 a month. Now this will vary from agent to agent but for me, if I was able to get 150.00 check from every case I sold, LIFE WOULD BE SO DIFFERENT.  But the best part of the appointment was that I had the privilege of sitting with a great young couple……….. genuinely good people, who you could clearly see were in love and truly wanted the best for each other. It was such a good feeling being around them. I could have sat there all night answering their questions and mulling over ideas with them.  Well, I might be exaggerating by saying “all night”, but you get the gist.  

To my point, life as an insurance agent is a ROLLER COASTER!! It really is; with all the ups and downs, twists and turns, and every emotion that comes with it. This job is real live roller coaster ride! Somehow, I need to find a way not to let myself get to high or two low no matter what happens, and that’s a difficult thing to do. Honestly, I’m not sure if that is a skill I will ever posses. Now that I think about it, I don’t even like roller coasters !!!! As a kid, I would try to fit in, (like kids will do), and jump in line to ride the newest roller coaster. Every time, the same thing would happen. I would get on, start to panic, close my eyes, hold on tight, pray for a speedy end, get off wobbly and leave my stomach behind!!! I hated it!. I hated the not knowing what was coming next, the sudden drops, the unexpected sharp turns and the anxiety of the climb. Hmmm, and here I am today, experiencing the exact same feelings that I did as a young girl riding the dreaded roller coaster. There has got to be something to that. As a child I forced myself to do something that I knew I didn’t like, but I kept hoping it would change. Back then, my thought process was, “What’s wrong with me? Every one else loves them so much, why don’t I ?” And today my thought process is, “What’s wrong with me? Every one else is making money, why aren’t I ?” Now that’s food for thought. On a positive note, at least I don’t throw up afterwards.

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