Day 1: on your MARK, GET SET, GO!!!!

DAY 1:

Ok, today was day 1 of my 1st 90 day challenge.  If I would have thought about it more I might have waited until January 3rd. Usually calling people on a holiday is a good move as well as calling them between the hours of 10 and 12am on Saturday’s. However, it wasn’t that good of a move today. Maybe late night parties lead to early morning hangovers which lead to a low contact rate for me. So I was only able to get 2 appointments out of my calling session this morning.  Under normal circumstances 2 appointments would be good, and in some ways it is today. Unfortunately, it only generated 6 points today. That is 19 less of my 25 needed. I didn’t give up though. I had some errands to run and decided that I needed to hand out 19 business cards while I was out and about. That was harder than normal. The first 3 of the 4 places,  I had planned on going to, were closed. So the only thing that was left was the grocery store. However, that was pretty dead as well. Nevertheless, I completed my 5 ask’s……… handing out 5 business cards to perfect strangers. It was pretty uncomfortable for me but I did it. This only bought my point total up to 11 for the day. Like I said, in hindsight starting January 3rd would have made more sense. You see, Saturday is the last day in my work week. So the total 125 points for the week go from Monday to Saturday.  Well, where do I  put today?  It was the last day of this past week. So where does that 11 points go? Should I just add it to next week and shoot for 150 for that week? Or should I just leave it as is? You tell me what you think?

As for the water…. that was the easiest part of the day, but not easy. During my trip to the grocery store I had to go past the aisle that housed my favorite drink. I had to “hum a little diddy” and turn away as I walked pass them. LOL!!!  I’m drinking water by the quart. First thing in the morning, I filled my 1 quart nalgene container with distilled water, juice from half a lemon and 2 ozs of George’s Aloe Vera Juice. It just tastes like lemon flavored water and the benefits of aloe vera juice are wonderful. Other than the grocery store incident, the only other problem I had………well maybe not problem, just something I need to get use to, was learning to drink water with meals. For some reason I have only been able to drink water by itself or with something sweet. But water with a sandwich or water with a steak or water with pizza just doesn’t seem that appealing. So while eating, I only had little sips of water to keep me from choking or nothing at all. I supposed I will get use to it. The most important thing is getting some positive health effects by removing something negative and increasing something positive.

Ok, this was a quick one, but I’m already working on tomorrow’s post. Until then……..HAPPY NEW YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 Response to Day 1: on your MARK, GET SET, GO!!!!

  1. ACE says:

    Excellent start!!!!!! Technically, you’ve taken the first step. So really, you can only get better. So starting with only 11 pts is actually a good thing.

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