DAY 3: Mondays

Day 3:

Wow, this might be tougher than I thought. I got a lot on my plate. I didn’t think that the blogging part of it would add that much more to my day, but it does. Oh well, on with the day 3 update.

Ok again, so far the water is fairly easy right now. I drank about 1 1/2 quart lemon water so far, with more by my bedside for nightly sips.  I would like to get up to a gallon a day. I weighed myself this morning as I do most mornings. I’m interested to see if any weight loss can come from something as little as the addition of lemon water and subtraction of all other beverages. I won’t post my weight just yet.  I don’t think it’s necessary for this challenge. Let’s just say, if you got stuck with me in a blizzard, you wouldn’t freeze. LOL.

Work…… I HATE MONDAYS !! First of all, I never get enough sleep the Sunday before. My sleep pattern is so delicate. I’m a natural-born night owl that has problems sleeping, no matter what the time. And on the weekends, it is really pronounced. So it’s difficult for me to get back on track Sunday night to get the proper amount of sleep. Then I awake Monday morning tired, get myself together and drive to work for a day of meetings. Monday is the all day meeting day. I started making my calls about 3pm and finished at 7pm. I got in contact with 12 people and set 3 appointments. My total point tally was 19 points……..6 points shy the 25 I needed. This means I must make it up in the next 5 days. I WILL!! I just couldn’t stay later today.  I needed to get home, cook dinner, take out the trash, and prepare for an appointment I have the first thing in the A.M.  This is why this post is a short one.

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3 Responses to DAY 3: Mondays

  1. ACE says:

    DISCLAIMER: Please consult a physician before starting any weight loss program.

    What’s the US Daily Recommended Allowance/Intake for water? I think a gallon a day is a lot.

  2. cd904 says:

    LOL !!! I got you ace. A gallon is a lot. I haven’t worked the numbers but i think i got the weight to sustain a gallon. It’s based on pounds. But I’m going at it slow. As long as the only liquid i consume is water. I’m ok with it.

  3. cd904 says:

    Ace, I just used a hydration calculator to determine the amount of water my body requires to propery function daily. It is 107.5 ounces. 1 gallon is 128 ounces. So i am far off my minimum. Also this is my min without exercising. If i exercised it would be more. But again.. I’m taking it slow. I wanted to add the water because i know that i am dehydrated. I have all the symptoms of someone who is living a life dehydrated. I’m still smilling at your comment though. Too cute !!

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