DAY 4: Small Victories

DAY 4:

Day 4 has been interesting. First lets talk about the water. Late last night I was hit with a spell of overwhelming thirst. I had already drank close to 2 quarts of water, but for some reason I was still so thirsty, and my stomach just could not take any more water. So I had to find away to just ignore it and go to sleep. This morning I thought, just make 2 bottles and be prepared, but it has been completely different. I have only drank maybe 20 ozs so far, and I haven’t been thirsty at all today. WEIRD !!! I’m also getting some small blemishes, but that is to be expected.  As my system flushes itself out, I expect to see even more of a physical reaction, it’s just a matter of how long it will last.

Now on to work…………… Today was a good day ! I got a sale by 10am. Anytime you get a sale is  good, but to get one first thing in the morning is evening better!  Now, I’m not saying today was perfect but GOOD. It did have its problems. The first being, I did get a case but it was still in the market that I am trying to transition away from. The good part is that HE GOT IT! He completely understood where his needs and  knew that he that  needed to take action IMMEDIATELY. He asked all the right questions, and I love it when my clients ask all the right questions. It means that they not only hear me, but they understand me, and that’s, a good feeling. I imagine it must be similar to what a good teacher would feel like when they realize that their  students are actually learning what they’re teaching. It’s a small victory, but still, a victory. I need more victories.

As far as the rest of the day went; I went to the office to only realize that I left my mobile internet connection at home. So I did what I could do there, and went home to complete the rest, as well prepare for my 5 o’clock. Unfortunately, my 5 o’clock NEVER confirmed our appointment or returned my calls. Therefore, that appointment NEVER happened. I learned long ago that you can set 10 appointments in 1 week and only complete 2. People will cancel, reschedule or just stand you up. So to avoid wasting time and all the extra stress of dealing with “no shows”, I confirmed EVERY appointment. If there is no confirmation, I DON’T GO!  It’s that simple. Since I implemented that rule I find that I have less emotional ups and downs throughout my day. Hey, it works for me.

So to sum day 4 up; I sold a case, got 2 referrals, loss an appointment, scheduled 2 more appointments and made 5 contacts for a total of 25 points exactly !! Yay !!! right on target today. I still have 6 points to make up from Monday but I still have 4 more days.

That’s it for now.

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