Day 5 & Day 6: Turning A Frown Upside Down

A lot has happened in the last 2 days, which is why I didn’t post yesterday and I’m doubling up my post today. The funny thing is that WordPress (the company who is hosting my blog) started a group new years resolution. They asked everyone using WordPress to pledge to blog everyday or blog once a week in 2011. Although I read how tough blogging everyday would be, I still decided take on the challenge of blogging everyday. I love a challenge, and I really didn’t think it would be that difficult because my blog is about 90 day challenges, and I would be reporting everyday anyway. Right? WRONG!! I only got to day 4, before missing a day. LOL! I was completely unprepared for all the different things that could happen to make blogging everyday difficult……. like working all day, and on the way home decideing to stop by a friends house, staying way to late, and then getting home so sleepy that the only thing I can do is pour myself into the bed. Well, at least I can say, “I tried”. And all is not lost, I can still do the once a week challenge. That, I know I can do. Hmmmmm…….. should I have said that?  The Universe is listening. Damn, well, it’s out there now…………… on to my last 2 days.

Day 5 started out like any other day. I used the first half of the day to complete an entire weeks worths of “asks”. So I went, what we call business prospecting” for about a hour and a half. I was able to complete 22 face to face contacts. That gave me 22 points. Once again, I love it when I have most of my points before 12pm. I then had 3 appointments on the books, only which 1 of them actually occurred. The first 2 appointments rescheduled, which happens, but thankfully, the last one stuck. Now, my last appointment was a delivery only. A delivery means that you have already sold a policy and now it’s time to deliver it to the client and wrap everything up. Deliveries can be difficult because you could literally have to do your complete presentation again if your client is having second thoughts. Luckily my client was not. You typically do not get points for a delivery appointment, but I did, because my client was happy with the end result. And a happy client, gives referrals. Therefore, I was able to get another referral from him, which gave me another 3 points, for a total of 25 for the day.  Point wise, it all worked out. But my day did not go without stress, frustration and disappointment. I would go into the story, and I still might at a later date, but I just don’t have the energy to do it right now. Let’s just say, I came across someone else who found it hard to be honest with me. He instead decided to do everything but that, and caused me and the medical exam company that I use, whole lot of time, stress and frustration;  all of which, I have come to learn, is APART OF THIS BUSINESS!!! As I was headed home, feeling a little worn and beat down, I decided to call a friend who I hadn’t talked to in a while. I really just thought that I would talk to him (via bluetooth) on my drive home. It just so happened that I wasn’t far from where he lives, and we both stepped out of our comfort zone and did something we don’t normally do. NO… get you mind out of the gutter!! LOL!! It’s just unusual from him to be home and want to invite someone over and it was unusual for me to accept and invitation on the spur of the moment. I normally would have been thinking, “I have to get up early”, “I should get home” type of thing.  I just wasn’t prepared. I’m not a spur of the moment type of person, but I’m working on it. It just so happend to be exactly what I needed. It turned, what would have been, a somewhat bad day, to a day that wasn’t that bad at all.

Today’s work day was pretty uneventful. I had 2 appointments and YES, they both stuck. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get any cases. That’s fine; it happens. I know I won’t be able to get an application from everyone I meet, and it won’t make sense for everyone to apply. The first person I met with was an insulin dependant diabetic and because of that, he would not have been approved by my company. I just like having the opportunity to sit down with someone to see if I can help them. Although, I would like to help everyone I have an appointment with, I know that I can’t. And quite simply there will be many times, they won’t want my help. IT HAPPENS.  It’s all apart of the business…….. and this part, I really don’t mind. Point wise, my total for today was a whopping 46 points!!! Even though I didn’t get any applications, I did get 6 referrals from each of my appointments. That alone gave me 36 points. The appointments themselves counted as 5 points a piece, totaling 10 more points for the day. So you see, even though I got no applications, it still turned out pretty good. I got my daily goal of 25 points, I made up for the 6 I didn’t get on Monday, and I’m already ahead  15 points for tomorrow. I would call that a good day.

Now about my water intake…… I don’t know what’s happening on that end of things. Today and yesterday are pretty much the same. My water intake has plummeted !! I haven’t been able to complete 32 ozs of water on Day 5 or Day 6. I’m just not thirsty, but I feel like I should be. NO, how could I not be? I mean…… I know that this is not enough water for someone my age or size. So I’m really confused. I think, if it continues, I’m going to have to spend some time researching this weekend. I don’t want to force it. I really just want to listen to my body.  But my body may be telling me lies. I hope it’s just a bump in the road and my water intake will increase. It could be something I’m doing or just how my work days have been going. I’m sure, I’ll figure it out. I know one thing for sure, I WILL NOT BE GIVING UP !!! Rework the plan, MAYBE, but give up, NEVER !!!! 

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6 Responses to Day 5 & Day 6: Turning A Frown Upside Down

  1. ACE says:

    So does the blog entry have to be a long entry? I mean for Day 5, couldn’t you have logged in and said: “Will update tomorrow?” Its an entry. Just trying to understand.

  2. elizabeth says:

    Great job with the point system! Bet it feels good to be ahead of your goal!!

  3. Katy says:

    I’m so glad that today went well! I liked your point total for today, but I didn’t catch where the point total was for the week?? Maybe you still count tomorrow?? I’m waiting anxiously to see how everything turns out. I know it is hard to blog everyday, but I do so enjoy and look forward to reading your blogs! I’m also glad you stepped outside your comfort zone to hang out with a friend. Sometimes we all need that!

  4. cd904 says:

    Ace, that is too funny, Why didn’t I think of that?!?!?!?! LOL!! That would have been the easiest thing to do. Too late now. Oh well. Like i said, I can definately do once a week, especially since I am now armed with a new strategy. LOL!!

  5. cd904 says:

    Katy, My point total for the week needs to be 125. I came into today Friday needed only 7 points to complete my weekly total. My week runs from Monday to Saturday. I will take every other Saturday off unless I’m behind and need to make up points. I don;t work on Sunday at all. That is MY DAY. And yes spending that time with a friend was good. My update is coming soon. Thanks for your support.

  6. cd904 says:

    Elizabeth, Yes it does feel good to be ahead. So far I like the point sytem. I feel less guilty if I’m not working and it takes some of the emotional sting out of the job. I will explain that in an upcoming post. Thanks for your support.

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